The captivating tale unfolds with Wura Amoo-Adeleke, a resilient mining tycoon with a steely resolve, realizing that her mines have run dry of gold. This revelation propels her into a whirlwind of quests, unveiling secrets, dark deeds, and betrayals.
Boasting a talented ensemble of both established and emerging Nollywood luminaries such as Yomi Fash-Lanso, Carol King, Ray Adeka, Iremide Adeoye, Ego Iheanacho, Martha Ehinome, and Lanre Adediwura, the series has captured the hearts of viewers since its debut in January 2023.
As the first season of “Wura” draws to a close, viewers can immerse themselves in the riveting suspense, dramatic twists, and intricate narratives centered around Wura Adeleke and the inhabitants of the Iperindo community by binge-watching all episodes on the streaming platform.
Notably, the telenovela has clinched the top spot as the most-watched drama series on the streaming platform in Nigeria.