Former Access Bank CEO Herbert Wigwe built an expensive tomb for himself before his death

Billionaire and former CEO of Access Holdings, Dr. Herbert Wigwe, had constructed an appropriate personal burial chamber within his university campus, as revealed by sources.

It was earlier reported that Wigwe, who died in a helicopter accident in the United States alongside his spouse and children will be laid to rest on March 9, 2024, subsequent to a joint funeral ceremony at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Lion of Judah Parish, Isiokpo. It appears as though Wigwe had foreseen his demise, having already erected a private sepulcher within the vast confines of the university surroundings.
According to reports from Vanguard, the tomb is a fitting tribute to his stature as a billionaire, boasting a concrete pathway flanked by verdant foliage that leads to the serene final resting place of the Wigwe family.

It was reliably gathered that three tombs have been fashioned using cutting-edge Italian Carara marble and adorned with imported granite.

Do not grief, for the joy of the Lord is your strength”, is an inscription embossed on the top corner of the composing mausoleum. The sight of the transparent private cemetery is a clear testament to the fact that Dr. Herbert Wigwe was not just rich while alive, he appears even richer in death.
“He built this private cemetery before he started the university. His house here has been designed to have a special gate and walls separated from the university. I can tell you that he had a big vision. Very good vision and he was making efforts to ensure that those visions came to a reality. But what I cannot tell you right now is whether those visions will still be achieved,” one of the sources stated.

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